Do something!

Do something!

Download & print a PDF that speaks to the folks you want to reach. Cut up the 2x3” cards and keep them in your bag to spread the word as you go about your day. Drop 'em in public bathroom stalls, coffee shop bulletin boards, movie theatre seats, anywhere. It’s get out the vote activism made easy, y’all.

For the women

Slide these in the magazines at salons, waiting rooms, in public bathroom stalls, anywhere the gals might need reminding about what’s at stake.

For the patriots

Bring these to the sports bar, or hand out to any recovering Republicans you know who might need reminding that voting for democracy is what will truly make them patriots.

For young men

The guys need convincing that the Tim Walz-style of masculinity will score them points.

For the workers

Perfect for dropping at bus stops, break rooms or anywhere else people have jobs to remind them which candidate actually has their interests in mind.

For the believers

Get a full sheet of cards to drop where those who need reminding of the separation of church and state will find them.

All the messages for all the voters

This 6-page PDF has messages designed to target women, young men, skeptics who wish Harris was perfect, patriots, the hard working and disgruntled Republicans (old style).